Andrei Rodin

After studying Computer Science, Mathematics, and Mathematics Education at several universities in Moscow in 1995 I defended the Ph.D. thesis in Philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences and received a research position at this Institute. During the academic year 1998/1999, I was a Visiting Scholar at Columbia University in NYC, US on the Fulbright grant. Upon my return to Russia, I continued working as a researcher in the Russian Academy of Science, and in 2003 I got a postdoc position at Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, France. In 2012 I returned to Russia and until Spring 2022 combined research in the Russian Academy of Science in Moscow with teaching in Smolny College of the State University of Saint-Petersburg. In 2020 I defended my second thesis (Dr.Sc) on the axiomatic architecture of scientific theories.

In Spring 2022, soon after the beginning of the Russian military offensive against Ukraine, I and my family left Russia for France. Presently I have a position as a researcher and lecturer at the University of Lorraine in Nancy, France. Here I do research in the Archive of Henri Poincaré and teach various courses in the engineering school ENSGSI. My current research project is focused on epistemological issues of computer-based knowledge representation.

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